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Pathway to Inner Peace
Intro to Pathway to Inner Peace
Practices for Inner Peace Plus Intro to the Program
Module 1: Be the Captain of Your Ship | Tame and Uplift the Mind
Suggested Books
Lessons 1-2: Taming and Uplifting the Mind (45:46)
The 2 Apparent Selves: ego -the small 's' self & Soul - the 'S' Self
Lesson 3: Taming and Uplifting the Mind (26:22)
May 6th. Process of Individuation. Moving from hooked/losing powered, to heart centered and empowered (28:46)
Lesson 4: The 3 Gunnas Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva - The Energies Underlying EVERYTHING (33:10)
May 12th Notes from Inner Peace Workshop Series
Lesson 5 - 7: Detach / Attach: A Practice to Last Your Entire Life (69:10)
The Importance of Purifying and Training the Mind (23:43)
Module 1 Review and Check In
May 26th - Homework Questions
Module 2: Your Intuitive, Energetic Soulful Self
Discovering Your Intuition and Caring for the Whole Self - Physical, Mental, Spiritual
Lessons 8 & 9: You are an Intuitive, Energetic, Soulful Being (41:52)
Lesson 10: The Importance of Being Grounded (46:01)
Lesson 11: When the Ripened Fruits of Your Past Seeds Are Not What You Are Desiring, Have Faith - That This Too Shall Pass
An Interactive Class to assist you in making this Paradigm Shift. Have your journal ready to pause and work through this class (96:00)
What Does Intuitive Guidance Feel Like
Module 3: Healing Practices and Guidance for Your Soul on this Journey
Lessons 13 Healing and Guidance for Your Soul
Intentions: The difference between happiness or true inner peace
Part One Review
Written Review: Part 1
Module 4: Intro to the Chakra System
Lesson 15: Introduction into Your Chakra System
Chakra Images
Module 5: The Chakras | Process of Individuation | Ego vs Soul
Lesson 16: Chakras & The Process of Individuation
Lesson 17: Rising above the wounds of the ego
Lesson 18: Descriptive characteristics of ego small self vs Soul Self
Moving from Ego to the Soul
The Process of Individuatuion - Of Self Realization
Module 6: Your First 3 Chakras | First Phase of Individuation | Your Ego
Images + Audio Lecture: Your First 3 Chakras, The Ego Identity, Process of Individuation
1st Chakra: The Root Chakra
Healing and Balancing the First Chakra
2nd Chakra: The Sacral Chakra
Healing and Balancing Your Second Chakra
3rd Chakra: The Solar Plexus
Healing and Balancing Your Third Chakra
Base 3 Chakras & The first Phase of Individuation
Healing & Balancing for Chakras 1-3
Module 7: Your Survival Archetypes and the Ego
The Ego's Personality (29:58)
Your Victim
Video Lesson: Your Victim (34:45)
Why We Do This Work - The Process to Creating Inner Space, Stillness - Inner Peace (28:16)
Your Prostitute
Your Sabateur
Video Lesson: The Prostitute and Saboteur (33:33)
Your Inner Child
Video Lesson: Inner Child (8:18)
Inner Child Archetype Cards
Module 8: Managing Your Energetic Field
Your pain body / light body (32:49)
The Manifestation and Liberation Currents of Energy (58:59)
Module 9: The Path and the Process
Fear - Desire - Will (41:43)
Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
The Process of Individuation
Currents of Manifestation and Liberation
Currents of Manifestation Image
Module 10: Your Unique Divine Spirit
Identifying My Spirit - Who Am I? (22:18)
My Soul's Purpose & My Dharma - Life's Work
Bringing the 3 Centers of the Mind into a Cohesive State (14:53)
My Gift to the world is.... (40:44)
Follow Up Journal Prompts
Module 11: Onward and Upward
Process of Moving from Living In the Dark - to Living In Light. From Suffering to Freedom
What Is Consciousness, The Process of Awakening and the Role of Suffering (34:46)
Maybe, Maybe Not
Which Phase Am I Residing In?
Intuitive Guidance & Recorded Calls throughout the Program
The Shift this virus is calling us to make + How to make it 🙏 (20:38)
Check this Section for regularly posted intuitive guidance and inspiring messages
April 28th: Introductions, Course Etiquette, The Practices
May 5th: In the World Not of the Word | Process of Individuation | The Process of Awakening & Finding Your Center
May 13th - Week 3 Recording (79:07)
June Pathway to Inner Peace Meeting (77:16)
Pathway Call 6-2: From Prefrences to Peace (86:39)
June 9th Pathway to Inner Peace Meeting (84:48)
June 30th Call - When the fruits of past seeds ripen - this too shall pass (70:53)
July 14th Recorded Call (39:26)
July 21st Recorded Call (84:57)
Aug 5th Pathway To Inner Peace Meeting (81:51)
Sept 1st Recording
Maybe, Maybe Not
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