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Yoga School 200hr YTT
Om Shanti School of Enlightenment - Yoga Teacher Training
Practice Hours Log
Module 1: Yoga | Overview and History
Historical Time line of Yoga Video Lesson (25:26)
Sivananda Lineage
Sankrit, Sacred Prayers, AUM Video Lecture (30:15)
Module 2: 4 Paths of Yoga
4 Paths of Yoga Video Lecture (60:34)
Karma Yoga - Path of Selfless Service
Bhakti Yoga - Path of Love & Devotion
Jana Yoga - Path of Knowledge: Reading from Shankachara’s Crest Jewel of Discrimination (35:02)
Raja Yoga - 8 Limbs of the Royal Path (176:52)
Module 3: 5 Points of Yoga for a Health and Inner Peace
5 Points of Yoga for Physical, Mental, Spiritual Health
5 Points of Yoga - Video Lecture (32:43)
Module 4: 8 Limbs of Raja Yoga
8 Limbs of Yoga
Module 5: Pranayama & Meditation: Theory & Practices
Anuloma Viloma: how to guide
Kapalbhati Breath: 1 round (3:10)
Anuloma Viloma: 5 rounds (5:11)
Pranayama Video Practices (19:51)
Meditation: What it is & How to Establish a Practice
Pranayama + Meditation Practice (20:22)
Yoga Discussions. Nervous System, Grounding, 8 limbs (64:34)
Module 7: Energy Anatomy
Intro to Your Chakras: You are an Energetic, Intuitive Being
Chakra Images
Your Chakras/ Your Psyche. The Process of Individuation
Root Chakra
The Koshas or Coverings of the Soul Self (53:14)
5 Vital Forces Video Lesson (22:39)
Vayus - Five Vital Forces Text
3 Parts of the Mind: From Subconcious Patterns of Fear to Living Connected to Higher Self
Module 8: The Asana Practice
Sun Salutations Lab | Practice Cues & Sequencing (40:41)
Sun Salutations Image
Standing Postures
Seated Postures
Savasana (4:08)
Module 9: Functional Anatomy & Physiology for Yoga
Functional Anatomy for bringing balance and healing to the body
Module 10: Teaching Yoga
Recorded Discussion: Hatha Yoga, Lineage, Highest Teachings of Yoga (67:18)
Sequencing Discussion (36:02)
Teaching Pranayama (15:11)
Holding Space | Leading a Class
Teaching to Special Populations
Props and Modifications
Yoga Instructor to Teacher of Yoga
Module 11: Ayurveda
Ayurveda for Balanced Living (41:47)
Ayurveda Discussions (78:33)
Module 12: Practicum
Practicum Hours
Styles of Yoga Classes
Power Yoga Class
Hatha Yoga
Gentle Yoga
Yin Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga
Recorded Yoga Classes
Yoga Nidra • chakra healing
Full Yoga Nidra (38:38)
20min Yoga Nidra. Relaxing body scan (18:20)
20min Yoga Nidra: Body Scan. I am Awareness (18:45)
Strong Flow + Yoga Nidra via Zoom w/christy (72:59)
Strong Flow + Yoga Nidra via Zoom - christy
Sun Salutations Class + Yoga Nidra (37:19)
60min Yoga + Yoga Nidra (54:39)
Full 90min Hatha Yoga Practice (92:55)
Sivananda Yoga Class with variations (92:55)
30min Pranayama + Meditation (27:34)
30min Pranayama + Meditation (27:34)
Wisdom Talks with Swami Sakarananda
Wknd 1, April 2023 with Swamiji (72:22)
Wknd 2 Raja Yoga part 1 April 22nd 2023 (92:11)
Wknd 3 Raja Yoga part 2 May 6th, 2023 (90:59)
Wknd 4 Sanskrit + Bhagavad Gita Study May23rd, 2023 (69:13)
July 25th, 2020 (763:10)
August with Swami (84:24)
September Mauna. Silence. Koshas and Yoga for Healing. Detaching from world we create / Attach to the Kingdom within (62:50)
Nov 1. Final Wisdom Talk with Swami (55:26)
June 2022 with Swamji (103:14)
Wisdom talk with Swamji (62:07)
Sacred Mantras and Prayers
Sacred Prayers
Dharma Talks
The Mind of the Aspirant: A Psychological Study by Sri Swami Sivananda
The Yamas
Three Great Powers of the Mind
Swami Sarvapriyananda Immortality
Parish Arthas | the 4 goals of life (68:25)
Oral Exams for Yoga Teacher Certification
Final Exam
Final Exam Answers
300 hr Preview
The 7 Bhumikas
Introductions to Somatics (16:09)
Yoga for Healing Trauma
Wknd 1, April 2023 with Swamiji
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